Best Motivational Speakers in Bangladesh : Leading magazines & popular newspapers, 2021 rank Md. Sozon as the best motivational speaker in Bangladesh. Top Rated. Other Motivational Speakers in Bangladesh who featured in those lists included names
The typical Motivational speaker starter pack is to wear a nice suit, have a mic in front, make a nice presentation of quotes, tell ‘you can do it’ & voice modulate with quotes which rhyme.
In his popular blogs, Sozon calls the above as audience’s dopamine addiction or epiphany addiction cycle. This cycle is hearing high energy, inspiring ideas, feel energized a bit without going on to achieve any real behavior changes and then returning to the default of familiar comfort zones i.e., old ways of working. And then repeat all of above with another Motivational Speaker or self-help book.
Sozon says and strongly believes that it is impossible to get better at anything without confronting it. But people don’t want the truth. People want the romance. They want the fantasy. The fantasy that they are “special”.
There’s a difference between making someone feel better vs useless gyaan vs what Sozon does inside his Corporate Events. He drills into the audience’s minds – ‘incisive actionable insights using experiential tools and templates!’. His events have gone on to become a starting point for life long & self-sustained learning for scores of participants.
Sozon believes that one can achieve anything when one understands Focus & Compounding (Patience). In this hyper distracted world, if you let FOCUS become your competitive advantage, everything will become easy for you. Sozon describes that his own journey of becoming a motivational speaker has two parts. The first 10 years were spent doing small, sundry assignments (but with deep focus and strong belief in the power of compounding). What these first 10 years ensured was that the next 10 became very easy.
To youngsters who wish to make a mark in the field of Motivational Speaking and Corporate Training; Sozon recommends that they start with one platform and absolutely become stellar in that (for Sozon, it was Blogging). Laser focus on one first and then diversify later.
No one has all the right answers. Just start doing and you will start seeing the answers coming your way. Version 1 is better than Version NONE (why you must start).
One needs to keep sharpening one’s skill with every speaking assignment that comes. Your first TALK could be bad, the hundredth can never be. Public Speaking, Sense of Humor, Spontaneity are skills which cannot be taught anywhere. Universities will ever stay expensive. Self-Learning will not only be cheap but easy too. Super Paying too.
There is a difference between you interested to become a motivational speaker versus you committed to become a motivational speaker. Basically, you need to keep on telling people for a lot many years that you are the right person to solve the exact problem.
The impact of Sozon’s motivational events is much higher because he speaks in the language the attendees love most. You’ll find in his Events a treasure of stunning concepts that will set your productivity soaring. In 2021 too when the world’s businesses face restrictions because of Covid, the Bangladeshi Speaker Bureau rated Sozon as the Best motivational speaker 2021 in Bangladesh in the digital workshop i.e. Webinar format.
The journey of starting as a no one to being counted among the Top Motivational Speakers in Bangladesh has been a very enriching & humbling one. “As a student I used to dream of huge auditoriums, houseful audience, powerful mikes & then ‘Me’ extending myself onto all this. It took time but yes! my dreams come true. God has been very gracious. Now, ‘It is Thanks giving time’.” he says.
‘Making my audience Happy, Energetic & thence more successful is my IKIGAI’, Sozon says. As a Business Motivational Speaker, he further adds that basically his Corporate Events are just, he having a conversation with himself & hoping that someone else will join in.
Who is the best motivational speaker in Bangladesh?
Quora did this survey- Who is the best motivational speaker in Bangladesh? Sozon’s name received hundreds of upvotes (maximum too) in the category Best Motivational Speakers in Bangladesh.
Any Motivational Speaker would aspire to get featured in the top 10 motivational speakers in the world lists. Sozon strongly believes that his best is yet to come. ‘The best part about my work as a Motivational Speaker is that my Events lead to my own clarity of thought’, he says. Among the Top Motivational Speakers in the world; the names which have inspired Sozon the most are Les Brown, Brian Tracy , Eric Thomas, Bob Proctor , Robin Sharma, Simon Sinek & Nick Vujicic. Also check Top Motivational Speakers in the World who inspire me the Most